
Who is Phillip Scott?

Phillip Scott is a medicine teacher running the Ancestral Voice cult from his residential home in Novato, CA.

Most of his teachings take place at his home, and his ceremonies often take place on other people's lands which they let him use, including a sweat lodge in Petaluma, an event space at The Center SF in San Francisco, and various lands around the Bay Area for tipi meetings.

He's been a controversial figure for 15 years, with a thread on the website NewAgeFraud.org recounting his various lies and abusive behavior. Most of these posts, however, were written by people who have had little or no exposure to him, and often focus on him lying about being part native american.

This has allowed him to convince many to ignore this forum under the pretext that he's being persecuted by bigots, and that their claims do not reflect his work. But they do.

I created PhillipScottCult.com as the first website on which actual long-term ex-members of his community can come out and share their troubling experiences with this dangerous man. I do not care about Phillip not being native. I do however care about him being a deeply abusive individual whose influence has pushed some close to suicide, and taught many very uncomfortable truths about the subtle energetics of deceitful suggestion and advanced psychospiritual manipulation.

You can find these posts on the homepage of this website.

What is the goal of this website?

  1. To protect new people from falling into his trap. A secondary goal is that this spreading awareness will reach the people who still give him a platform in their events, podcasts, etc, and that they will remove any support.
  2. To help current members feeling terrified to escape. Most people have never experienced such a masterful manipulator and leaving his field after many months or years of influence can prove to be a very traumatic event that even the most courageous of us may have trouble walking toward. Understanding what is going on is the first step in harnessing the confidence to make a clean break and walk away.
  3. To provide understanding to ex-members who might still be trying to put the pieces together. It's common for gaslighting to make victims feel like they're crazy when the wound is fresh. The testimonials of others can help consolidate confidence in the truth.

What can I do to help?

  1. Share your story using the contact form.
  2. Contact those who have given Phillip a platform and send them this blog. Scout for links on Google and social media. Relevant Google searches might include "Phillip Scott Ancestral Voice," or "Chief Phillip Scott." There you will see various podcasts, conferences and organizations who have over the years unknowingly supported a predator. Reach out to those, let them know what happens behind closed doors. If they remove him, this will 1) make more room on Google for this blog and the NewAgeFraud thread, 2) interrupt the influx of new students he may still be getting from that channel.

"Wait! Isn't this cancel culture?!" 

This isn't someone getting "canceled" for his ideas. This is someone getting stopped for his abusive actions. There is no doubt that Mr. Scott shares great ideas. He has a true gift for sharing wisdom, and probably provides great value to those who listen on podcasts or at conferences. But promoting him is giving authority to a person whose main goal showing up on these platforms is to find new recruits to make money from and abuse. That needs to be stopped. The way we can do this is by raising awareness.It has already worked. This website has been seen close to 2,000 times at the time of writing. Multiple people have already reached out to express their gratitude and how it's helped them walk away. A famous event center in SF which used to once be Phillip's biggest recruitment channel, no longer seems to feature him. This is working, but there is more to do. Thanks for your help.