The Damage is an Ongoing, Healing Process
I believe this is an appropriate time to expose and attest to the continuous damage that the cult leader Phillip Scott (of Ancestral Voice in Novato, CA and the greater San Francisco Bay Area) has inflicted upon his own and extended communities and individuals. Consider this an update and extension to the New Age Fraud thread in which Indigenous folks and other folks who have crossed paths and/or spent time with Phillip have voiced their concerns and outrage.
I was a student of Phillip Scott's for just over 3 years. I ended my studies and relationship with him in September 2021 because I knew I could not continue any longer - more on that later. More specifically, Phillip adopted me as a "spiritual daughter" so I can assure you that I was quite close to him. I met Phillip in June 2018 (same day as Louis) at The Center SF. It was during a point in my life when I was seeking a teacher to deepen my growth, and I was drawn to Phillip's teachings at the Drum Circle hosted by The Center that evening.
Phillip, as usual, performed his drum ceremony, requested donations and announced he had openings for student apprentices. He kept an email list by the door (recruitment tactic), and I wrote my information down. After he returned from a trip to Portugal, he contacted me to discuss what would be my "Way of Life" for the next 3 years.
He gave his usual shpeel: No extraneous spiritual teachers besides me. No extracurricular spiritual activities and practices besides mine. What they teach I can teach better. I AM the best. Only trust me. No gatherings with community members - not outright prohibited, but I do not approve of your doing so. No substances - even coffee and alcohol. I need to know if you're going to experiment and/or explore something new - anything at all. I need to know why you're not coming to MY ceremony. If you don't show up, you're colonized and something is wrong with YOU. I am never wrong, because I am the holy man who is simply the instrument for the divine - I think you get the point. These may not be his exact words, but those are the implicit and explicit messages and demands this man places on students and close associates. If he knows he cannot manipulate a certain someone, he won't even try. He knows his victims.
When I first started as a student, I was fascinated by his teachings. I will not discount that - his teachings are great. He is excellent at transmitting protocols and the nitty-gritty details of how things are done and why they are done. However, Phillip Scott is also a master at using the same protocols and Sacred teachings to manipulate students and folks who are hungry to grow and better themselves.
I attended many ceremonies to "fulfill" my role as a student apprentice. Especially with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I attended all - I mean, nearly ALLceremonies of his during this vulnerable pandemic time. In my experience and time as a community member and "daughter", I witnessed both the beautiful and the ugly. Was I complicit in staying silent? Yes, I was. Did I know I was doing so? Not so much, not always. All the gaslighting was a thickened veil that covered my own truth and ability to see the reality of what was going on. Am I responsible for what happened to me? Of course! But I needed space to understand and recapitulate this period of time in my life. I am still healing.
Now back to more story telling and advice from my own experience. . .
Heck, I even paid the money for his weekend "intensives". I truly invested myself, time and resources for his benefit and what I believed was mine, as well.
Please be aware that Phillip will guilt trip you. He will use your "weaknesses" and vulnerabilities to his advantage. You will know this because your body will both react and respond when you are being disrespected and belittled. (If you knew him and experienced this, maybe you didn't listen to your body at the time. Forgive yourself and gently move forward. You now have the experience to become more discerning and take care and protect yourself.) But he'll sprinkle some humor and maybe even some praise here and there, so the blows don't land hard all the time. It's ingenious. First, you might be drawn in by his gift of gab. It will sound nice. Believe me, it is carefully and artistically and meticulously crafted for those who are ready and desire to learn and grow exponentially.
I knew in the summer of 2021 that my time as a student with Phillip was nearing to an end. Like many folks who desire to conclude their studies with him, I wanted to close my student-teacher relationship but still intended to show up for ceremonies. I just could not carry the financial commitment and had just matriculated as a medical school student. My own intuition and authority also directed me to know that it was time to close that chapter. In fact, I fulfilled my agreed upon 2-year commitment. I had far surpassed it by committing financially as a "student" for over 3 years! (Yet he would not acknowledge that fulfilled commitment and demanded I commit for life - it's crazy I know)
Oh, when I told Phillip my intent to close out over a FaceTime call (and I gave him a generous 30 days' notice), what I could imagine as a snippet of Hell could be, broke loose that September day. I was told things like I was disrespecting him, not considering his feelings. The next day he left a voicemail requesting a phone call. When the phone call took place, he accused me of not even apologizing for wanting to halt my student status. The audacity! Since I was still prone to being guilt-tripped, I apologized and he seemed sufficiently satisfied...until he was ready to pounce again (Yes, seriously! I mean this). Yet, I did not understand why I apologized. I just felt like I should because he wanted me to. Oh, the joys of daddy issues! I sincerely regret that now, knowing that I was manipulated into submitting to his demands.
I do have to add that my desire to end my studies with Phillip was exponentially intensified when one of the closest people in my life was manipulated by him. He attempted to groom them (with further horrendous intentions) and that REALLY woke me up. It was the last straw. Yet, I still did not have enough courage at the time (a little over a year ago - September 2021) to confront him.
To this day, he has attempted to cover his tracks and has formulated lies about myself and others. He does this to create a divide between those who see or have awoken to his behaviors so that we are further ostracized from the inner circle we were once connected with. It is classic cult leader tactic. He even painted himself so well that he got himself recruited onto some social media platforms and podcasts that receive hundreds to thousands of audiences, which is VERY dangerous for the public.
Since then, I have completely cut off all ties to him. A few months ago, he attempted to contact me over email and insisted we are still family and that it would never change. It was insanity. I told him his actions and violations nullifies anything he is claiming, which falls under his own illusion he chooses to tenaciously adhere to. Especially after the level of betrayal and hurt he has caused in my life and in the lives of countless others. And the women he has physically (YES, assaulted), spiritually, and psychologically harmed. Men and all other identifies, too. Phillip is a dangerous man. He is dangerous because he infiltrates the mind first, then the violations may find their ways into other open and vulnerable areas. I am writing this because my hopes are that you, dear reader, do not allow yourself to fall victim to his predatory hunt.
I will say this - I have numerous, numerous stories that would blast this post away, but this is what I am able to share now.
If you have been affected by Phillip and are reading this, know you most definitely are not alone. Cliche, but it is the truth.
Please come forward if you feel you are able to. We need each other and we have a responsibility to inform others.